Music education benefits all children
Reading time: 10 minutes
Author: Dr Anita Colllins, Neuroscience and music educator
There is a widespread belief that learning music should only be for students identified as gifted or interested.
Research in neuroscience and music has shown that learning music can benefit all students in terms of cognitive development. Our sense of hearing is our first sensory network active at birth, it never turns off, even when we sleep.
It has been found that our auditory (sound) processing network is our greatest sense for gathering information. This is why many of the skills children learn through music are transferable to all other areas of learning.
« Learning music, especially in 4 to 12-year-olds, supports the neural system in the foundations of all learning. »
LEARNING MUSIC HELPS: literacy, language learning and math.
Music learning has been found to improve language learning and literacy as well as numeracy processing.
Music learning has been found to improve learning habits as well
as social skills and well-being.